after! (crazy, right?!)
Soooo…I think I may have found my new HG mascara!! If you see the after pic, my lashes are literally touching my brows. Life-changing. The last picture looks like I have falsies on but I promise I don’t. Everyone needs to go out & try this one for sure. It’s called the IT Cosmetics Superhero elastic stretch volumizing mascara. You can get it either on Ulta here ($24 for 1) or QVC here ($26.36 for 2). I got mine from QVC because it’s a way better deal.
It’s really good at lengthening (I think the pics speak for themselves) and volumizing! Sometimes volumizing mascaras tend to clump your lashes, but this spoolie is really great at separating each and every lash! I’m totally in love with this one! Let me know if any of you try it and love it just as much as I do!